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Why Business Leaders Need to Consider Converted Shipping Containers

converted shipping containers

If you’re wanting to purchase a converted shipping container, you’ve likely seen or heard of a cool-looking container project or two. Maybe you’ve gotten a glimpse of the possibilities and want to create a container structure specifically for your organization. While converted shipping containers offer a uniqueness that sets companies apart from others, repurposed shipping containers help organizations in more ways than you might expect. Here are five reasons why your business should consider converted shipping containers.

How Converted Shipping Containers Benefit Businesses:

1. Make the Most of Limited Space


Shipping containers come in a variety of sizes, 10-foot, 20-foot, and 40-foot are the most common. The compact boxes with rectangular shapes allow containers to be placed in awkward spaces. Not to mention, the building block style of shipping containers allows the units to be built up as well as out to create larger spaces depending on the size of the site.

If you’re in need of a small private office, a 10-foot box might perfectly fit within a larger warehouse or adjacent to an existing building. Or maybe a restaurant needs additional storage space that must fit in the parking lot behind their establishment. Either way, shipping containers present the ability to make the most of limited space.

2. Meet Budget Demands


If you’re looking for a good investment that will stand the test of time, converted shipping containers are a great place to start. Not only do shipping containers last upwards of 25 years, with modifications they can adapt to meet your organization’s needs at a reasonable price.

After you’ve researched weather you should rent or buy your converted shipping container structure, you’ll find that paying for a quality box greatly outweighs alternatives like mobile trailer offices and stick built structures.

3. Relocate Your Converted Shipping Container Easily


Thanks to the modularity of shipping containers, they are just as easy to relocate as they are to ship to their initial location. Even multi-unit container structures can be disassembled and loaded on to trucks to move wherever the company desires.

For single-unit container structures, an industrial forklift can pick up the shipping container and move it to the other side of the same plot of land. The ability to move containers as frequently as needed helps companies adjust to changing needs as their company develops.

4. Expand Your Infrastructure Alongside Your Expanding Business

expand-converted-shipping-containerBecause shipping container relocation and placement is easy, many companies can choose to order new containers whenever they’re ready to expand. For example, maybe your company must wait for your budget to renew at the beginning of the fiscal year before you can place another order. The building block-style of shipping containers allows you to purchase what you can now and finish your entire project later.

Furthermore, as your company grows and you need to hire more employees or expand your capabilities, you can easily add on to an existing shipping container structure. Here at Falcon, we were able to place an additional converted container on top of our existing office within a single afternoon. We will be able to further expand our building as we continue to grow.

5. Repurpose Old Material – Implement Green Building


Converting shipping containers into new structures is considered a style of “green building.” The ability to repurpose a no longer useful element – a shipping container – and transform it into an office, storage space, or any other type of structure, is an act of recycling.

Traditionally, the construction industry is known for causing a lot of waste, but converting shipping containers minimizes waste through offsite construction. Your company will reduce its footprint by using converted shipping containers.


Here at Falcon, we’ve created a wide variety of container projects – some as simple as single unit offices and others as complex as sports stadiums. Despite many of our projects differing in size and application, some of the benefits to using converted shipping containers remain constant. In this blog, we’ve only touched on a few of the many reasons business should consider converted containers. To learn more, give us a call at  877-704-0177 or email us at We’d be happy to discuss your upcoming container project.

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