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We Expanded Our Shipping Container Office and You Can Too

shipping container office

Stacking and combining modified shipping containers is easy. Companies like Falcon place containers together – like building blocks – to create a larger, multi-unit structure. When the time comes to expand the structure, adding containers is just as simple. Businesses that office inside a container building can quickly and easily expand to create additional space when needed. As the company grows, the office can grow simultaneously without major delays in productivity. Here at Falcon Structures, we experienced this firsthand just last month. We expanded our own shipping container office in a single afternoon, which allowed us to add new employees to our team without missing a beat.

As soon as we decided to bring on additional team members, we realized we lacked space to accommodate new hires. To solve this problem, we planned to add a new container to our existing building. In line with our processes here at Falcon, we submitted the details for our new “Marketing Office” and watched as the container evolved from the design stage to modifications, to its placement on top of our existing structure.


We are not the only company to feel confined by our limited space. At some point, every growing company feels challenged by their growth, often because their physical space begins to feel restricting. Businesses housed in traditional buildings suffer the most from this challenge. They must decide between relocating employees to a new building or enduring the inconvenience of physical expansion, which includes weeks of demolition and on-site construction. Regardless of the choice they make, productivity slows as massive changes take place. Companies expanding their facilities embark on a long and difficult process that includes displaced employees and hazardous work zones.

Shipping container structures, on the other hand, alleviate the inconvenience, worry, and difficulty associated with expansion. They enable a company’s office space to grow as they grow. By utilizing the offsite construction method of shipping container building, individual container units can be shipped nearly turnkey ready. Therefore, upon arrival, a crew places the container in a matter of hours and it’s ready to use the very next day.

Marketing office interior photo

We designed our container office to meet the needs of our marketing team. The 40-foot shipping container includes three private offices and one small conference area. A built-in storage closet was added, and individual air conditioning units give team members control of their own space. Our production team placed the container on the second floor of our main office building, fitting in the open space located on the second level. We easily cut a doorway into the existing wall of our office building to align our new office accordingly.

Expanding our office was simple, and our marketing team loves the result! We know this container is only the beginning of our office expansion. As we continue to grow, we look forward to easy expansion thanks to our shipping container office. If you’re curious about our marketing office, or the possibility of creating a shipping container structure for your company, give us a call at 877-704-0177 or email us at We’ll be happy to walk you through the process.

5 Steps to Designing Your Modified Shipping Container


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